Paden's story so far...
Last year as my dear grandfather died, I had the feeling it was time to have another baby. I fasted and prayed about this feeling and had such a strong impression it was absolutely time. Josh and I were worried, we didn't have insurance, Josh is still in school, etc. But I knew. Even when we talked to friends and family about it, Everyone said 'Wait'. I'll be honest, I was a little bugged, so I told Josh not to talk about it any more because we had our answer. The day I got my IUD out I got pregnant! And man was it a sick fest. Unluckily I don't throw up, so there wasn't any type of relief. Just pure misery. I was a walking zombie, monster. My emotions were all over the place. I was so angry. I felt so bad for my children, my husband, our home. It was sinking into despair. Ty would tell Emmett to hide from the grumpy I was so miserable and Josh didn't want to see me this way any more, so 2 weeks before Paden's due date he brought home the Castor Oil. Ugh. It gives me the shudders thinking about that sliminess going down my throat. We went to family dinner that night and contractions started. They weren't painful at all, but we thought we'd go to the hospital anyway. I'd already spent the previous Friday in triage and I was afraid they'd send me home again, even though I was at a 4 1/2 and 80%. Well my contractions weren't getting stronger so they sent me home with an ambien to sleep it off. Got home very disappointed and went to bed, when I was awoken 30 minutes later with an 'urge'. I guess I was standing over Josh with a glazed look and then the most horrific cramping began. And it came with a vengeance. Every 30 seconds I was doubled over. Josh rushed me to the hospital and yelled at the Emergency team, who were sitting there calmly, 'I'm having a baby!!' They rushed us up to delivery, where I was to get in a gown and go back to triage, but I kept saying, 'just let me go to the bathroom'. Finally a nurse with some sense pushed everyone aside and yelled 'she's having this baby, get her into a room!' The anesthesiologist followed me in and shot me up. I guess as Josh was trying to comfort me I told him 'You are so f*ing annoying'. (oops...please be aware I've never taken a drug of any kind so I was completely out of it) The cramping and the burning was intense but the epidural calmed my shaking enough that I could concentrate on pushing this bundle out. 20 minutes after we arrived at the hospital I was holding this tiny angel in my arms. Pain was gone immediately as all mothers can testify. Poor Paden was an ambien baby and didn't really wake up his first couple days. But my miracle was here. The smell of him, his little body in my arms, his perfect blessed I am! Ever since his birth the feeling in our home has changed dramatically. From the beginning he's been such a smiley, happy guy. Ty and Emmett adore him. Love to hug, kiss and hold him. They love it when he smiles at them. He brought heaven to our home.
We blessed him yesterday and in his blessing the emphasis was on his positive outlook and happy attitude, and that he would overcome all obstacles with those traits. How grateful I am for a loving Heavenly Father who has sent Paden, Emmett and Ty to me. I feel blessed beyond what I deserve. So grateful you're here my dear boy. I love you with every fiber of my being. Thank you for bringing happiness to our home.
happy grandparents |
Oh my goodness, what a gorgeous baby boy that Paden of yours is! I love reading your blog, I appreciate your honesty and humor. It's good to know I'm not the only mom that has her rough moments out there! :)
Congratulation Lacey!!! Three boys is the best. I loved your little post about the common phrases around your house. My oldest regularly tells us he is going to put our heads in the toilet (can thank the brother in law for that one). Much more violent phrase are common and we are regularly shot with toy guns. Oh the joys of boys!!!
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