Friday, December 28, 2012

Whoa, rough night last night. Paden fussed ALL night, ended up on my chest, but still tossed and turned until 9 this morning. Emmett made his way to our bed about 4 where he stayed snuggled in dad's arms until he left for work. Josh and I sleep on a double... a double I tell you. There is no room for extra bodies but every night we end up with one or two kiddos in bed. Reminds me of this hilarious diagram. I laugh every time I see it because it is so darn true!!

I was a little groggy to say the least, but managed to play a quick game of duck duck goose(instead we say donkey, horse, chase me. Then instead of chasing around a circle we do a whole lap around the mortuary), red light, green light and freeze tag. Hilarious when no one knows or follows the rules! I had to really motivate myself to go play in the snow. With children the usual 5 minute routine takes at least
30 and then sometimes hands or feet freeze within 20 seconds and we come back in. We had a hay day though once we were out. We tried a snowman, but the snow is still a little fluffy. Then I had this overwhelming desire to build a snow fort in our Fir tree. I shoveled in the snow and the boys made a nice hard floor and a 2 foot high wall. I'm going to go in and cut a few branches out so we have a nice big room, if you will. 
When I was a kid I would spend hours in the woods behind our house building an awesome snow house. I'd build a bed, couch, table with the snow and play house all by my onesy and it was so fun! Next we played Bear Hunt in our newly built bear cave.  When it was my turn to be the bear I climbed  up the tree and then had the urge to slide down the branches. I crack myself up. We ran and rolled for a good hour, while sweet Paden had a quick nap. Happy snow day!


cristelle amber said...

Oh I love it! I remember playing bears in the trees for hours! Sometimes, ok everyime, it is hard to get yourself to go out but it is always worth it, isn't it?!

Unknown said...

That diagram makes me laugh every time. H for hell. :) Love the snow forts. Good mama.