Sunday, December 23, 2012

I have to plan my day according to Paden's feeding schedule because I hate to be anywhere and have to go find a corner to feed him. About 45 minutes before we go anywhere I start the battle of getting out the door. I sit down to feed Paden, at this time I yell for boys to get shoes and socks on. Four minutes into feeding Emmett walks in and announces he's got to poop. 'Don't tell me, just go!' I say and off he runs. Three minutes after this he's yelling he's done. Put down Paden who immediatly starts wailing, go wipe Emmett, tell him to go find his shoes. Spot Ty walking around, 'Where's your shoes?', 'I can't find them.' Aarg. 'Hurry Ty!' Back to feeding Paden. Emmett and Ty walk in, no socks or shoes. 'You guys!' Paden starts to cry because I'm upset. Boys leave. I hear them doing something in the laundry room, doubt it's getting ready! In walks Josh 15 minutes before it's take off time. He jumps in the shower, Ty decides he wants a shower. We're pushin' five minutes now...Paden just burped up his whole meal, Ty's wet running around naked. Emmett's found no socks and one shoe. Put screaming Paden down, run around like a headless chicken finding socks, shoes, hats, coats. Buckle Paden up. Grab diaper bag. Josh walks up, 'Okay, let's go!' 


Lena Phillips said...

Ha ha ha ha!!! This is so funny, and I 100% can relate.

cristelle amber said...

That sounds familiar! I am having so much fun reading your's makin me laugh big time! Love your guts you cute mamma!

Krista said...

ha ha ha!!! that is so funny and soooo true. It takes us forever to get anywhere around here. I will say that you have it harder having winter...sheesh bundling up is so overrated with kids. TAKES FOREVAH!!