Tuesday, January 15, 2013

We are slowly, but surely emerging from a deep fog 'round these parts. Josh and I have had horrible colds. Man this one kicked our heinys! I've been bed ridden for 3 days now(or as close to that as a mommy can be) and unfortunately for Josh he doesn't get to take a day off. We're plugging along at a tortoise pace and it's not helping that dear Paden is teething and is an ornery bum! 
Today I was relieved for a few moments when Ty and Emmett were tickling Paden and his cute baby bursts were the loveliest sound. Mmmm. For the next hour they played ship on the couch me and Paden were on. They would jump off, come up for air and ask for their snorklers, then dive down and catch shark for us to eat. They would pull themselves up by my feet and start again, with minor variations. Love it.
On Saturday, the boys had a super fun sledding day at uncle Kent's. Every year he works very hard making an amazing trail for all the grandkids. He lives right up against the mountain, so you start out on a steep 30 foot drop and fly down the rest of his 1/2 acre property. People have hit the house before! It is a riot. Anywho the boys got to enjoy the afternoon on ride after ride. Josh thought for sure they'd be frozen and cranky after the first run left there faces in an ice mask. But Josh cleared the snow away and they burst into laughter and shouted 'AGAIN!' Oh the joy! Hoping I can get up there tomorrow so I can witness the magic:)

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